2022. 1. 16. 19:17ㆍDiary/300~400
쓸만한 라이브러리 없나 찾아보다가 베스트 라이브러리 뽑아둔 글들이 있길래, 백업용으로 글을 써보려고한다.
Venom (Test)
GitHub - YarikSOffice/venom: A lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario.
A lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario. - GitHub - YarikSOffice/venom: A lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario.
LightProgress (UI)
GitHub - YarikSOffice/venom: A lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario.
A lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario. - GitHub - YarikSOffice/venom: A lightweight tool that simplifies testing of the process death scenario.
RadioButton (UI)
GitHub - Bryanx/themed-toggle-button-group: Customisable toggle buttons inside a FlexboxLayout.
Customisable toggle buttons inside a FlexboxLayout. - GitHub - Bryanx/themed-toggle-button-group: Customisable toggle buttons inside a FlexboxLayout.
ComposeClock (UI)
GitHub - adibfara/ComposeClock: Particle clock created with Jetpack Compose framework
Particle clock created with Jetpack Compose framework - GitHub - adibfara/ComposeClock: Particle clock created with Jetpack Compose framework
TEST 라이브러리는 아직 내 수준에서는 필요성을 못느끼고 있다. 오히려 UI 라이브러리에 대한 필요성이 더 많다. 오늘은 시간이 없어서 여기까지..
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